Achievements: Department of Applied Science & Humanities, Delhi Technical Campus

Research Papers:
  • Submitted a paper in International conference of Advance research and innovation (ICARI-2019) -ISBN-978-93-5346-324-3 on, Acute Toxicity (Lethal Dose 50 Calculation): Medicine as a life saver or destroyer by Dr Alka srivastava & Dr. Malvika Chaudhary.
  • Published paper by Das, Vhuyashi on A study of feminism in Modern Indian Drama in IJELLH (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities), [S.l.], v. 6, n. 12, p. 11, Dec. 2018. ISSN 2321-7065.
  • Presented paper by Das,Vhuyashi on “Understanding the Women in Assamese Folk Tales: The Elite & the Marginal, the Visible & the Invincible” in  conference titled -Identity and Diversity within Boundaries and Margins: Exploring Literature & Culture from India’s North East held at Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research, Jamia Millia Islamia.
  • Kumar, Amit Kumar Attri, S.R. Singh, Sachin kumar “Two Warehouse Inventory Model for Deteriorating Products with Stock Dependent Demand and Shortages” IJRITCC, 2017, Vol 5, pp. 1166-1176.
  • R. Singh, Amit Kumar Attri “Two Levels of Storage Models for Deteriorating Items with Stock Dependent Demand and ShortagesIJERMS,2017, ISSN:2394-7659.
  • R. Singh, Amit Kumar Attri “A Study on Two Warehouse Inventory Model with Stock Dependent Demand and ShortagesIJERMS, 2017, ISSN:2394-7659.
  • Amit Kumar Attri,S.R.SINGH “An Inventory Model for Two Storage System with Stock Dependent Demand” i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics7.NO.3(JUL-SEP2018).
  • R. Singh, Amit Kumar Attri “ Two Levels of Storage Model for Deteriorating Items, Stock Dependent Demand and Partial Backlogging with Both Rented Warehouses ” “Int.J.Process Management and Benchmarking, Communicated”.
  • Effect of SiO2nanoparticles on electrical and thermal characteristics of PVDF nanocomposites by Dr. Ajay Pal Indolia,
Seminar & Conferences: 
  • “International conference on smart technologies in the field of Engineering, Management and Sciences (Smart Tech 2018) held on 11 & 12 January 2018, organized by Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida.
  • Art of effective teaching, Listening & Learning” by Dr. Ajay Pal Indolia, FDP on “Art of Effective Teaching” held on 07-10 May-2019 organized by Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida.
S. No. Title Name of Conference/Seminar Venue Dates
1. SHORT TERM COURSE Probability Theory and its Application in Engineering M COURSE QIP IIT ROORKEE 04-15 June, 2018
2. An Inventory model for Two Storage system with Stock dependent demand. International Conference on Smart Technologies in the Field of Engineering, Management and Sciences Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida 11-12 January, 2018