Fly Initiatives

“Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions.”

The FLY committee is informally labelled as “Family Like You”. It gives a podium where faculty members can share their mutual feelings and wishes with each other. This also provides in enhancing fruitful involvement with the institution for long term. The basic purpose of FLY is “Faculty Welfare” which can build better bonding between the faculty members. The entire teaching community at DTC celebrates all various occasions and events together along with the esteemed members of the management, and technical staff members. This ultimately leads to a harmonious day to day working and level inters – department faculty coordination resulting in high color achievements.

Events organized by FLY Initiatives:

  • Annual Sports Meet for Faculty and Staff Members
  • Diwali Cum Birthday Celebration of Hon’ble Chairman Sir
  • Best Teacher Award
  • Monthly Birthday Celebration
  • New Year Celebration: 2019
  • Birthday Celebration of Director General Hon’ble Mr. Justice Bhanwar Singh at Delhi Technical Campus
  • Session On “One’s Conduct at Workplace: Do’s & Don’ts” By Mr. M G Abhyankar
  • Holi Celebration: 2019 


The FLY Committee has organized various events for faculty engagement all through the year. FLY’s events are geared towards generating a familial culture in the college where faculty and staff work together and celebrate together. Sessions for faculty and staff sensitization are also conducted from time to time. All the events are conducted in collaboration with cultural and other committees in the college as per the requirements of the event.

Here are some glimpses of the events held recently:

Republic Day celebration -24th Jan 2022


Date-24th Jan 2022

Time- 3:00 to 4:00 pm

Coordinator-FLY Committee


Poster of the Even

Delhi Technical Campus organized the Republic Day event online on 24th Jan 2022 to evoke a spirit of patriotism and celebrate the day which marks a great importance in the history of the country. The faculty participated in a great spirit. The event began with the blessings from DG Sir, Honorable Bhanwar Sing Sir.Dr Ranjit Varma Director of School of Architecture encouraged the faculty to imbibe the sense of patriotism and Indianness among students also. There were cultural performances by the faculty and few games were played concluding the event with vote of thanks.







Pic of the Event:


Honorable Justice Bhanwar Sing Sir sharing his views on Republic day.

Prof Ranjit Varma, Director of Delhi Technical Campus

Games played by Faculty

Cultural events by students

Group Picture of attendees during the event.

Manners are the lubricating oil of any organization — or any society, for that matter. Good manners are not phony or forced. They are a habit that has been developed and nurtured so that they are an automatic response. With this vision Delhi Technical Campus organised a Lecture on “Manners make the difference “ on 29th April 2022 at Da Vinci Auditorium at 3:00 pm for all the Faculties of the Institute.

Under Fly initiative, FDP on Students Centered Instructional Strategies was organized in collaboration with NITTTR Chandigarh from 03 December 2018 to 07 December 2018. DTC is an approved remote center of NITTTR Chandigarh for conducting various ICT based FDPs and short term course. Various students centered instructional strategies such as Lecture-cum-discussion, Think pair share, Jigsaw, Numbered heads together, Case study, Seminar, Brainstorming, Group discussion, Role play, Games simulations, Send a problem, One minute paper, Project assignments etc were conducted and taught. The objectives of the course were to equip the participants with requisite knowledge and skills for adopting student centered methods of instruction in their teaching. The 5 days FDP ended on 7th Dec 2018 by the vote thanks by course coordinator, Er. Amandeep Kaur of NITTTR and remote center coordinator, Mr. Ankit Gambhir.

Delhi Technical Campus organized its Annual Sports Meet for the Faculty and Staff Members on 15th December 2018 at DWPS Noida Extension. All the faculty and staff members participated in various events viz : Badminton , Cricket , Table Tennis , Chess , Carrom , Tug of WAR, Shot Put, Volleyball etc. The inauguration of the event was held in the presence of Hon’ble Chairperson Mrs. Kiran Sahni,  Vice-Chairman Mr. Aman Sahni,  Director General Hon’ble Justice Bhanwar Singh and Director  Dr. A.K. Singh. All faculty and staff members of DTC family were made to take The Sports Pledge. It was followed by the National Anthem along with flag hoisting ceremony. The event was initiated to not only build companionship among faculty and staff but also to initiate a commitment towards physical well being.

The highlight of the event was cricket where the entire DTC family was divided into teams. The objective of the event was to promote team building and to highlight the positive results of teamwork. The winners of the various sports events were awarded certificates as winners and runner-ups. The DTC family expressed gratitude towards the entire sports committee, and specially the Coordinator, for the initiative and hard work done to give this event a successful end.

On 6th Nov 2018, the faculty and staff gathered at seminar hall to celebrate two auspicious events viz diwali and birthday of Hon’ble Chairman Mr. Vipin Sahni Sir. The event was marked by the gracious presence of Hon’ble Chairman, Chairperson, Vice-Chairman, Director General and other dignitaries. The seminar hall was decorated by faculty members that generates a warm feeling of diwali celebration.. The event started by very first activity i.e rangoli making competition in which architecture department outclasses others departments. After that members of management greeted diwali wishes to all faculty members. Hon’ble Director General extended warm birthday wishes to Hon’ble Chairman and felicitated him with a bouquet of flowers followed by a cake cutting ceremony. After that Mr. Ankit Gambhir briefed the audience about collective contribution from the Management, students and faculty members which made it possible for the Institute to donate a Refrigerator to Anand  Niketan Vridh Sewa Ashram. To make event informal, Hon’ble members of management played tambole with all faculty and staff members. The event ended on high note by several ice breaking activities performed by faculty members.

‘Best Teacher Award’ ceremony was held on 24th Dec, 2018 for felicitating the faculty for their contributions as teacher, mentor, researcher, and administrator in several other fields. In recognition towards their contribution Delhi technical campus rewarded them with certificates and awards. The award distribution ceremony was carried out gracefully by the Institutes eminent personas, namely Director General, Mr. Justice Bhanwar; Director, Dr. A.K.Singh; Dean Academics, Dr. Pranay Tanwar. The awardees are as follows:

  1. Yogita Kushwaha (Excellence in Overall Performance)
  2. Gandharva Swami (Excellence in Overall Performance)
  3. Sanober Khan (Excellence in Overall Performance)
  4. Vipin Sharma (Best Teacher)
  5. Malvika Chaudhry (Best Teacher)
  6. Megha Kumar ( Best Teacher)
  7. Kumar Shubham (Best Teacher)
  8. Trina Som (Best Teacher)
  9. Renu Singh (Best Teacher)
  10. Ankit Sahay (Best Teacher)

On last day of every month, DTC family organizes special celebrations and brings everyone together to celebrate the birthdays of that month born faculty and staff members, conveying homely feels and wide smiles on faces. The cake cutting ritual always experiences enthusiasm and joy in the air; it is a day to relish for all the birthday buddies. All faculty members are very thankful to honorable management for this compassionate and caring endeavor.

The New Year Celebration at Delhi Technical Campus was held on 8th Jan 2019. This initiative was an act of encouragement from the Management to all the faculty members for a positive start. The, Chairperson Mrs. Kiran Sahni, Vice-Chairman, Mr. Aman Sahni and Director General, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Bhanwar Singh graced the occasion. The program began with a motivational speech from the Chairperson Ma’am. She encouraged each faculty members to contribute towards the growth and development of the Institute through sound research work and dedication towards teaching. The speech was followed by Director General, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Bhanwar Singh. He briefed the gathering about how New Year is celebrated at various parts of the world. It was rather interesting of be acquainted with facts related to New Year Celebration in different geographical locations. He conveyed that New Year’s Day, which according to the Gregorian calendar falls on January 1, is one of the most popular occasions around the globe. People throughout the world usually celebrate this day with loved ones and often in large gatherings. Be it a New Year’s Eve party or a picnic on the first day of the year, people have their own way welcoming the New Year. He also threw light on Ram Mandir trial and sensitize audience about the profoundness of issue.To make the celebration a happening one, faculty members gave various entertaining performances in terms of songs, poetry recitation, and several motivational quotes. The gathering shared snacks and sweets to add to the flavor of the event. Everyone parted with a promise to have a positive approach towards a start of a new academic session.

Delhi Technical Campus celebrated the Birthday of Mr. Justice Bhanwar Singh on 1st February, 2019 marking it as an important day for the Faculty and Staff of the Institute.

The ceremony began with a Welcome Note delivered by Dean Academics, Dr.Pranay Tanwar. Our Hon’ble Chairperson Mrs.Kiran Sahni graced the occasion and threw light on the journey of our Director General and his valuable contributions to the college and education. This was followed by the felicitation ceremony of Hon’ble Shri Bhanwar Singh with a beautiful bouquet. The Director General thanked all the attendees for their wishes and shared his experiences from the past. The event concluded with a round of refreshments.

On 1st March 2019, FLY committee DTC had organised a session on “One’s Conduct at Workplace: Do’s & Don’ts” in Da Vinci Auditorium. The resource person was Mr. M G Abhyankar. Mr. M.G. Abhyankar is a Graduate in Science and in Law i.e. B.Sc.(Hons.) and

LL.B. from University of Delhi. Mr. Abhyankar superannuated as General Manager (HR) from Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (a Maharatna Company) in November, 2014. He has about 35 years’ experience in Human Resource Management, Law & Administration in a Factory, various Projects and Corporate Office of BHEL and about 5 years’ experience in Banking. He has extensively handled matters relating to Contract Labour, Labour Laws, Vigilance and Disciplinary Proceedings, Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace etc. In his talk he discussed about the behaviors and actions leads to sexual harassment knowingly or unknowingly. He discussed about the appropriate behavior of an individual at workplace and discussed how one is supposed to coordinate and communicate with his/her co-workers. He informed all about the role and responsibility of internal complaints committee (ICC) and procedure to report an incident to ICC. The talk was ended with vote of thanks presented by Dean Academics.

On 20th March 2019, DTC family gathered to celebrate auspicious occasion of Holi. Ms.Kimmi Verma and Ms. Medhavi presented the welcome speech and invited Director General sir to address the gathering present in the reception area. Emphasizing the importance of this great Indian festival, Director General sir highlighted the following points: a) Origin of the Holi Festival b) The manner in which the festival is celebrated in Indian states like Uttar Pradesh, Assam, etc. c) First-hand experience of Director General of the colorful celebrations of Holi at his visit to Mathura d) The importance of colors in Holi e) How farmers celebrate the festival of Holi? f) Reasons for celebrating Holi in India-from the perspective of Mythology, Religion and Agriculture. The speech was followed by kind words of Hon’ble Chairperson Mrs. Kiran Sahni. She discussed the very presence of brotherhood and spirit of celebrations with happiness and gaiety in Holi from the historic times of our country. Apart from this, She read out few poems in one couplet to the entire group of faculty members. Later on faculty members gave various entertaining performances in terms of songs and poetry recitation. The highlight of day was “guess the song” activity, in which audience has to guess the song dedicated to faculty member. It is well coordinated by Mr. Etkaf, Ms. Kimmi and Ms. Medhavi. Henceforth faculty members were divided into two teams and antakshari was played. Sweets and snacks were distributed to each and every person present. It was indeed the Colors of Diversity and Unity observed amongst all.