The Grievance Redressal Committee shall consider all grievances submitted in writing or online by an individual member of the Centre regarding employment/ association, working conditions, and any other alleged injustice done to an employee/ student while discharging his/her duties at the Centre. The following are the members of the grievance committee

Students Grievance Redressal Committee for Academic Year 2024-25


S. No Name Designation Phone Number
1. Prof (Dr.) K.K. Singh Chairperson 8057655031
2. Prof (Dr.) Alka Srivastava Member 9999688202
3. Prof (Dr.) Seema Verma Member 7838684018
4. Dr. Padmesh Tripathi Member 9911790490
5. Mr. Amitesh Vijay Mourya Member 9911541672
6. Shruti Sharma Student Representative ( Special invitee) 8595873474
7. Ritesh Student Representative ( Special invitee) 9508208937
8. Naman Sharma Student Representative ( Special invitee) 9012631854
9. Tammana Student Representative ( Special invitee) 8076883902

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. The committee would strive to create a healthy on-campus atmosphere where the stakeholders i.e., faculty, staff, and students, could work collectively without inter or intra conflicts. An aggrieved individual can approach the committee to redress his/her grievances properly.
  2. To provide an avenue for the aggrieved students to redress their grievances to have a healthy atmosphere among students, staff, and management in the Institute.
  3. To uphold the dignity of the Institute by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the College through the promotion of cordial Student-Student relationships and Student-teacher relationship
  4. To provide responsive, accountable, and easily accessible machinery for settlement of grievances and to take measures in the college undertakings to ensure expeditious settlement of grievances of Students to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.
  5. To encourage the students to express their grievances/problems freely and frankly, without fearing being victimized.

A sample copy of the grievance received is shown in Figure B.10.1.3a, and the action taken for the mentioned grievance is shown in Figure B.10.1.3b through meeting minutes.

Figure B.10.1.3a


Grievance Form (Please fill the form below)


    Select Course (required)



    Your Grievance

    There is a Student‟s Grievance Committee constituted at Institute. For any Complaints or Grievances kindly mail on